Best Florists & Flower Shops in Waynesburg, PA – 2024

Prepare to be entranced by the beauty of flowers with bouquets from this Waynesburg, Pennsylvania florists’ blog list. These keen flower shops in Waynesburg are our preferred suppliers for bouquets for all purposes and events. Send bouquets of love, bouquets of empathy, sympathy bouquets, thank you flowers, or encouraging flowers from a wide and suitable variety that’s easy to pick from. You could pick up if you prefer, but these particularly professional flower delivery services are happy to deliver same day in Waynesburg, PA.


Ode à la Rose


Monday 9AM to 6PM
Tuesday 9AM to 6PM
Wednesday 9AM to 6PM
Thursday 9AM to 6PM
Friday 9AM to 6PM
Saturday 10AM to 3PM
Sunday Closed


Phone: 646-660-5281

Address: 21-43 44th Road Long Island City, NY 11101

Does the florist offer delivery? Yes

Delivery Zone: Waynesburg, PA and surrounding cities

Reviews & Ratings

Google linkToSource rating 4.7/5 Stars
YELP linkToSource rating 4.5/5 Stars
Trustpilot linkToSource rating 9.3/10 Stars

Prices: Prices: $$


The Perfect Arrangement Inc


Monday 9AM to 6PM
Tuesday 9AM to 6PM
Wednesday 9AM to 6PM
Thursday 9AM to 6PM
Friday 9AM to 6PM
Saturday 9AM to 4PM
Sunday Closed


Address: 694 E High St, Waynesburg, PA 15370

Does the florist offer delivery? Yes

Delivery Zone: Waynesburg, PA and surrounding cities

Reviews & Ratings

Google linkToSource rating 4.2/5 Stars
YELP linkToSource rating 0/5 Stars

Prices: Prices: $$