Best Florists & Flower Shops in Linden, NJ

Let the beautiful flowers from these recommended florists and flower shops in Linden, New Jersey help you to express yourself to those who mean a lot to you. Many of these florists in Linden offer same day or next day flower delivery services.


Ode à la Rose


Monday9AM to 6PM
Tuesday9AM to 6PM
Wednesday9AM to 6PM
Thursday9AM to 6PM
Friday9AM to 6PM
Saturday10AM to 3PM


Phone: 646-660-5281

Address: 21-43 44th Road Long Island City, NY 11101

Does the florist offer delivery? Yes

Delivery Zone: Linden, NJ and surrounding cities

Reviews & Ratings

Google linkToSource rating 4.7/5 Stars
YELP linkToSource rating 4.5/5 Stars
Trustpilot linkToSource rating 9.3/10 Stars

Prices: Prices: $$



Monday9AM to 5PM
Tuesday9AM to 5PM
Wednesday9AM to 7PM
Thursday9AM to 7PM
Friday9AM to 7PM
Saturday9AM to 3PM


Address: 108 N Wood Ave, Linden, NJ 07036

Does the florist offer delivery? Yes

Delivery Zone: Linden, NJ and surrounding cities

Reviews & Ratings

Google linkToSource rating 3.5/5 Stars

Prices: Prices: $$


Charlie's Flowers & Gourmet Baskets, LLC


Monday10AM to 7PM
Tuesday10AM to 7PM
Wednesday10AM to 8PM
Thursday10AM to 8PM
Friday10AM to 8PM
Saturday10AM to 7PM
Sunday12 to 5PM


Address: 1900 E St Georges Ave, Linden, NJ 07036

Does the florist offer delivery? Yes

Delivery Zone: Linden, NJ and surrounding cities

Reviews & Ratings

Google linkToSource rating 4.8/5 Stars

Prices: Prices: $$