Best Florists & Flower Shops in Farmersville, CA – 2024

It’s easy to order flowers here – send your bouquet while it’s fresh on your mind, so you don’t miss the special occasion. Let these awesome Farmersville florists send your flower gifts to friends and family. Order from this handy flower shops blog for flower delivery services in and near Farmersville, CA. With these cost effective bouquets, you don’t need to hesitate to send someone a thoughtful gift of flowers whenever you like.


Ode à la Rose


Monday9AM to 6PM
Tuesday9AM to 6PM
Wednesday9AM to 6PM
Thursday9AM to 6PM
Friday9AM to 6PM
Saturday10AM to 3PM


Phone: 646-660-5281

Address: 21-43 44th Road Long Island City, NY 11101

Does the florist offer delivery? Yes

Delivery Zone: Farmersville, CA and surrounding cities

Reviews & Ratings

Google linkToSource rating 4.7/5 Stars
YELP linkToSource rating 4.5/5 Stars
Trustpilot linkToSource rating 9.3/10 Stars

Prices: Prices: $$


Farmersville Florist


Monday10AM to 6PM
Tuesday10AM to 6PM
Wednesday10AM to 6PM
Thursday10AM to 6PM
Friday10AM to 6PM
Saturday10AM to 4PM
Sunday10AM to 3PM


Address: 505 Farmersville Rd, Farmersville, CA 93223

Does the florist offer delivery? Yes

Delivery Zone: Farmersville, CA and surrounding cities

Reviews & Ratings

Google linkToSource rating 4.8/5 Stars
YELP linkToSource rating 3.5/5 Stars

Prices: Prices: $

Available floral arrangements:

online ordering Online ordering is not available.