Best Florists & Flower Shops in Blue Island, IL
Use this Blue Island resource list of the area’s most popular florists and flower shops to send your heartfelt wishes to your friends or family in Blue Island. Many of these experienced Blue Island florists provide same day or next day flower delivery services.
Ode à la Rose
Inspired by the Parisian roots of their founders, Ode à la Rose works closely with an in-house team of highly skilled and talented professionals in the art of floral design to create exquisite bouquets. They go as far as The Netherlands, Ecuador, and Colombia to seek the best flowers grown and harvested in eco-friendly farms. They pay attention to every customer’s needs as they are very intentional when it comes to customer service delivery. They ensure that a picture of the bouquet is sent to the customer at every phase of the production, and they also send a picture of the bouquet as it is leaving the atelier. This is to make sure that what the customer ordered isn’t different from what he/she is going to receive. Their bouquets come in unique and classy packaging and they also allow their customers to select a picture to be uploaded to their order. The selected picture is color-printed on lustrous paper which is added to the bouquet at no extra cost.
Monday | 9AM to 6PM |
Tuesday | 9AM to 6PM |
Wednesday | 9AM to 6PM |
Thursday | 9AM to 6PM |
Friday | 9AM to 6PM |
Saturday | 10AM to 3PM |
Sunday | Closed |
Address: 21-43 44th Road Long Island City, NY 11101
Does the florist offer delivery? Yes
Delivery Zone: Blue Island, IL and surrounding cities
Available floral arrangements:
Online ordering is not available.Flowers By Cathe
Flowers by Cathe is a full service local florist, family owned and operated to serve the Blue Island area in Illinois. Having been in operation since 1986, they have been delighting customers with their exquisite designs and friendly services in the Chicago suburbs for the past thirty years and more. In terms of occasions, they offer the freshest floral arrangements for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Valentine’s Day or any other holiday, and for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, new baby and every “just because” moment in between. They also provide décor services for weddings, funerals, memorials and any other event you envision.
Monday | 9AM to 6PM |
Tuesday | 9AM to 6PM |
Wednesday | 9AM to 6PM |
Thursday | 9AM to 6PM |
Friday | 9AM to 6PM |
Saturday | 10AM to 4PM |
Sunday | Closed |
Address: 13022 Western Ave, Blue Island, IL 60406
Does the florist offer delivery? Yes
Delivery Zone: Blue Island, IL and surrounding cities